Packaging for natural cosmetics – how to impress the clients?

Boxes for cosmetics Boxes for cosmetics

Proper packaging insulates, protects, and preserves the cosmetics. It ensures the product stays intact during transport, storage, and display. Packaging makes sure the cosmetics are safe from exterior damage, extreme temperatures, and humidity, which allows them to stay fresh longer. It can also help the product stand out on the store shelf, attracting attention of potential buyers and, as a result, enabling the brand to excel on the market. How should cosmetic companies pack their natural products in order to impress their clients and encourage them to make a purchase?


The importance of matching the packaging to the product

Proper packaging is the packaging that matches the product. It should fit the size of the item, correspond to the brand’s vision, and last, but not least, meet the client’s expectations.

Matching size

First and foremost, the packaging should match the size of the item, in order to offer a necessary protection from external factors and prevent any damage. In case of particularly delicate products the packaging needs to be equipped with special inserts that will hold the merchandise in place, preventing uncontrollable movements which may lead to detriment.

Corresponding to the brand’s vision

It is worth noting that the packaging is the first thing the customer sees. It is an important marketing tool and has the ability to make the product stand out from the competition. In order to fully use its potential, the packaging should correspond to the brand’s vision and convey its values.

Meeting the client’s expectations

The packaging has the ability to attract the attention of the potential buyers. For the company it can make a difference between making it big on the market and disappearing without a trace. In case of cosmetics, the packaging is usually the first contact of the client with the product, which is why it should meet the high expectations of the potential buyers in order to convince them to make a purchase.

What aspects of the packaging clients tend to pay attention to?

As previously mentioned, the packaging is usually the first contact of the client with the product. Therefore, it is in the company’s best interest to create the packaging that attracts the buyer’s attention. Studies suggest that the customers usually pay attention to aspects of packaging such as color, design, presence of interactive elements, and eco-friendliness.


Color of the packaging catches the eye of the potential buyer and sends a message regarding its content. Black and white boxes appear more elegant and make the product seem more luxurious. The use of colors which can be associated with Earth, so mostly brown and green, tend to indicate the product is sustainable and eco-friendly.


Design of the packaging affects the perception of the brand. In the eye of the client it is usually the minimalist packaging that tends to be associated with high quality and reliability.

Presence of interactive elements

Modern customers are attracted by interactive packaging elements, such as pull-out compartments or hidden, usually funny or witty messages. They add an element of surprise and enhance engagement, which leads to more purchases. 


Customers are increasingly aware of the impact product packaging has on the environment. If they are left with a choice, they tend to lean towards the products placed in eco-friendly packaging which is made from biodegradable or compostable materials derived from renewable sources.

Packaging for natural cosmetics

A fitting packaging for natural cosmetics should not only match the size of the product placed in it, but also convey the brand’s vision and send a pro-environmental message. Nowadays the cosmetic company can choose between:

  • compostable packaging, made from organic materials, such as cornstarch, sugarcane, wood, and algae, that decompose easily and not leave behind any harmful chemicals and particles;
  • recycled packaging, made of reused plastics, paper, and cardboard obtained from post-consumer and post-industrial sources;
  • reusable packaging, designed to be resilient, easy to clean, and repurposable for a vast variety of uses.

To further emphasize the eco-friendliness of the packaging for natural cosmetics, it is a common practice to keep the natural color of plain cardboard and use as little varnish as possible.

Boxes for cosmetics from MILO Group

Boxes for cosmetics from MILO Group are a great solution for the companies that search for eco solutions for their natural products. They are sturdy, resilient, yet very elegant. Eco-friendly boxes from MILO Group are made of renewable, FSC-certified solid cardboard and use ecological veneer. Moreover, they are fabricated in the machines powered by renewable energy sources, mostly the company’s own photovoltaic farm, which makes them even more environmentally friendly.

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